The Samsung Galaxy S10 It is the most powerful of the Galaxy S10 series. With a 6.4-inch AMOLED QHD screen, the Galaxy S10 is powered by the Exynos 9820 octa-core or Snapdragon 855 processor, with options of 6GB or 12GB of RAM and 128GB, 512GB or 1TB of storage. The triple camera of the Galaxy S10 has the same configuration of 12 MP 12 MP 16 MP of its smaller brother the S10, including zoom, OIS, wide lens and dual PDAF but its camera for selfies is dual, of 10 MP 8 MP . With a 4100 mAh battery with wireless fast charging that can in turn charge other devices, the Galaxy S10 has an under-screen fingerprint reader, USB-C port, stereo speakers, Dolby sound, AKG optimizations and runs One UI based on Android 9.0 Foot. The Galaxy S10 also debuts with its ceramic version in white or black.
Samsung Galaxy S10+ Smartphone (16.3cm (6.4 Zoll) 128 GB interner Speicher, 8 GB RAM, prism Weiß) – [Standard] Deutsche Version
Samsung Galaxy S10+ Smartphone (16.3cm (6.4 Zoll) 128 GB interner Speicher, 8 GB RAM, prism Weiß) – [Standard] Deutsche Version
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The Samsung Galaxy S10 It is the most powerful of the Galaxy S10 series. With a 6.4-inch AMOLED QHD screen, the Galaxy S10 is powered by the Exynos 9820 octa-core or Snapdragon 855 processor, with options of 6GB or 12GB of RAM and 128GB, 512GB or 1TB of storage. The triple camera of the Galaxy S10 has the same configuration of 12 MP 12 MP 16 MP of its smaller brother the S10, including zoom, OIS, wide lens and dual PDAF but its camera for selfies is dual, of 10 MP 8 MP . With a 4100 mAh battery with wireless fast charging that can in turn charge other devices, the Galaxy S10 has an under-screen fingerprint reader, USB-C port, stereo speakers, Dolby sound, AKG optimizations and runs One UI based on Android 9.0 Foot. The Galaxy S10 also debuts with its ceramic version in white or black.
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